C19: Respond, recover & reimagine the future of HCP engagement
Hour: 16.30u
As Peter Drucker said: “The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence, it is to act with yesterday’s logic”. COVID-19 challenges us to keep navigating while parts of our 'old normal' sensory data are blocked out.
Our industry-leading cloud-based Navigator365™ platform is arguably your most accurate GPS for omnichannel HCP engagement optimization - now even more than ever before.
And Across Health responded in an agile way to the C19 disruption: we've taken important steps in optimizing the Navigator ecosystem, with over 6,000 HCP respondents since June, insightful COVID-19 questions, new Powertools, upgrades to our integrated OCE Planner Pro, the launch of a DIY “starterkit”, a new OCE capability-boosting platform (Scala365™), etc.
Our webinar will take you through the latest Navigator365™ insights, demo the newest Powertools, and show how the data can be used for evidence-based omnichannel HCP journey planning, orchestration, measurement - and ongoing optimization.
Interesting in test driving the Navigator365™ platform yourself? Request a free trial here. And if you want to have a chat about how Across Health can help your company to optimize the Omnichannel HCP Engagement during COVID-19 times and beyond, let us know!
Further reading:
- Discover our COVID-related free resources to help you navigate the multichannel maze.